Defining Magnetic Field

Defining Magnetic Field#

The user can define either an uniform magnetic field or a custom one.

using Geant4
using Geant4.SystemOfUnits
using Geant4.PhysicalConstants

Uniform magnetic field#

The functionG4JLUniformMagField creates a uniform magnetic field proving a B vector. For example:

bfield = G4JLUniformMagField(G4ThreeVector(0,0, 1.5tesla))
G4JLUniformMagField("UnifiormB", Geant4.G4JLUniformMagFieldData(G4ThreeVector(0.0,0.0,0.0015)), Geant4.var"#getfield!#33"(), G4JLMagField[])

The G4 toolkit will call the function bfield.getfield(field::G4ThreeVector, pos::G4ThreeVector, data::G4JLFieldData) each time that is needed. The method getfield(bfield::G4JLMagneticField, pos::G4ThreeVector) does it as well.

# Will be moved to Geant4.jl
function getfield(bfield::G4JLMagneticField, pos::G4ThreeVector)
    B = G4ThreeVector()
    bfield.getfield(B, pos,
    return B
getfield (generic function with 1 method)
@show getfield(bfield, G4ThreeVector(0,0,0))/tesla
getfield(bfield, G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0)) / tesla = G4ThreeVector(0.0,0.0,1.5)


Custom magnetic Field#

To define a custom field we need:

  • define first a user structure for the parameters that inherits from the abstract type G4JLFieldData

  • then, define a function with the signature (result::G4ThreeVector, position::G4ThreeVector, params::G4JLFieldData)::Nothing

  • and finally, with all this, instantiate the magnetic field calling the function

      G4JLMagneticField(<name>, <data>; getfield_method=<function>)
using Geant4.SystemOfUnits: ampere
using Parameters
@with_kw mutable struct WireFieldData <: G4JLFieldData
    I::Float64 = 1ampere
    wiredir::G4ThreeVector = G4ThreeVector(0,0,1)

function getfield!(field::G4ThreeVector, pos::G4ThreeVector, data::WireFieldData)::Nothing
    r = cross(data.wiredir, pos)
    B = (mu0 * data.I)/(2π*mag2(r)) * r 
    assign(field, B)

bfield = G4JLMagneticField("WireField", WireFieldData(); getfield_method=getfield!);
@show getfield(bfield, G4ThreeVector(1,0,0))/tesla
@show getfield(bfield, G4ThreeVector(2,0,0))/tesla
@show getfield(bfield, G4ThreeVector(3,0,0))/tesla
getfield(bfield, G4ThreeVector(1, 0, 0)) / tesla = G4ThreeVector(0.0,0.0002,0.0)
getfield(bfield, G4ThreeVector(2, 0, 0)) / tesla = G4ThreeVector(0.0,0.0001,0.0)
getfield(bfield, G4ThreeVector(3, 0, 0)) / tesla = G4ThreeVector(0.0,6.666666666666667e-5,0.0)
using Plots

# Range of distances from the wire
r_values = range(0.01m, stop=1m, length=100) # Distances from 0.01m to 1m

# Calculate magnetic field strengths corresponding to each distance
B_values = [ mag(getfield(bfield, G4ThreeVector(r,0,0)))/tesla for r in r_values]

# Plot
plot(r_values, B_values, xlabel="Distance (mm)", ylabel="Magnetic Field (T)", label="", legend=:bottomright)
title!("Magnetic Field vs. Distance from Wire")