Water Phantom Simulation with Scoring#

Example originated from the example in Geant4Py. It is using a very simple phantom model (a box of water) and exercises the scoring interface.

using Geant4
using Geant4.SystemOfUnits
using Plots

Detector description#

The main parameters are stored in the RE03Detector struct with some default values.

mutable struct RE03Detector <: G4JLDetector
    const worldXY::Float64
    const worldZ::Float64
    const phantomXY::Float64
    const phantomZ::Float64
    RE03Detector(;worldXY=100cm, worldZ=300cm, phantomXY=30.5cm, phantomZ=30cm) = new(worldXY, worldZ, phantomXY, phantomZ)

function construct(det::RE03Detector)::CxxPtr{G4VPhysicalVolume}
    nist = G4NistManager!Instance()
    fAir = FindOrBuildMaterial(nist, "G4_AIR")
    fWater = FindOrBuildMaterial(nist, "G4_WATER")

    worldSolid = G4Box("World",det.worldXY/2, det.worldXY/2, det.worldZ/2)
    worldLogical = G4LogicalVolume(worldSolid,fAir,"World")
    worldPhys = G4PVPlacement(nothing, G4ThreeVector(), worldLogical, "World", nothing,false,0)
    phantomSolid = G4Box("Phantom", det.phantomXY/2, det.phantomXY/2, det.phantomZ/2)
    phantomLogical = G4LogicalVolume(phantomSolid, fWater, "Phantom");
    phantomPhys = G4PVPlacement(nothing, G4ThreeVector(), phantomLogical, "Phantom", worldLogical, false, 0)
    #---Visualization attributes-------------------------------------------------------------------
    SetVisAttributes(worldLogical, G4VisAttributes!GetInvisible())
    simpleBoxVisAtt = G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
    SetVisibility(simpleBoxVisAtt, true)
    SetVisAttributes(phantomLogical, simpleBoxVisAtt)

    return worldPhys

Geant4.getConstructor(::RE03Detector)::Function = construct

Define the primary particle generator#

We define the MedicalBeam particle generator. This is similar to the particle gun but with direction of the particles randomly distributed within some aperture cone. It consists of

  • MedicalBeamData data structure with the parameters of the beam

  • An init function that will be called at initialization time.

  • An generate function hat is called at each event and create the primary particle and primary vertex.

  • A set of setter functions (SetParticleByName, SetParticleEnergy) to change parameters at run time

The function to construct the generator is MedicalBeam(...).

mutable struct MedicalBeamData <: G4JLGeneratorData

function generateBeamDir(ssd::Float64, fxy::Float64)
  dr = 2/2*fxy
  R = (ssd^2 + dr^2)
  cos0 = ssd/R
  xymax = fxy/ssd/2
  dx = dy = dz = 0.
  while true
    dz = rand()*(1-cos0)+ cos0
    dsin = (1-dz^2)
    dphi = rand()*2π
    dx = dsin * cos(dphi)
    dy = dsin * sin(dphi)
    if abs(dx) < xymax*dz && abs(dy) < xymax*dz 
  G4ThreeVector(dx, dy, dz)

function MedicalBeam(;particle="e-", energy=10MeV, ssd=100cm, fieldXY=10cm)
  data = MedicalBeamData(particle, CxxPtr{G4ParticleDefinition}(C_NULL), energy, ssd, fieldXY, 0.)
  function init(data::MedicalBeamData, app::G4JLApplication)
    data.particlePtr = FindParticle(data.particleName)
    data.surfaceZ = -app.detector.phantomZ/2
  function generate( evt::G4Event, data::MedicalBeamData)::Nothing
    mass = data.particlePtr |> GetPDGMass
    momemtum = ((mass + data.energy)^2 - mass^2)
    pvec = momemtum * generateBeamDir(data.ssd, data.fieldXY);
    primary = G4PrimaryParticle(data.particlePtr, pvec |> x, pvec |> y, pvec |> z )
    vertex = G4PrimaryVertex(G4ThreeVector(0, 0, data.surfaceZ - data.ssd), 0ns)
    SetPrimary(vertex, move!(primary))    # note that we give up ownership of the objects just created
    AddPrimaryVertex(evt, move!(vertex))  # note that we give up ownership of the objects just created
  G4JLPrimaryGenerator("MedicalBeam", data; init_method=init, generate_method=generate)
function SetParticleByName(gen::G4JLPrimaryGenerator{MedicalBeamData}, particle::String)
  gen.data.particleName = particle
  gen.data.particlePtr = FindParticle(particle)
function SetParticleEnergy(gen::G4JLPrimaryGenerator{MedicalBeamData}, energy::Float64) 
  gen.data.energy = energy
SetParticleEnergy (generic function with 1 method)

Setup the scoring with the the scoring interface#

Create a box shaped mesh and define the number of bins. The quantity to be monitor is dose. Later accessing the attribute dose on the scoring mesh will return a tuple with the sum of dose, sum square and number of entries for each mesh cell.

sc1 = G4JLScoringMesh("boxMesh_1",
                      BoxMesh(15.25cm, 15.25cm, 15cm),
                      bins = (61, 61, 150),
                      quantities = [ doseDeposit("dose") ]

Instantiate the Geant4 Application#

app = G4JLApplication(;detector = RE03Detector(),                    # detector with parameters
                       generator = MedicalBeam(),                    # promary partcile generator
                       nthreads = 8,                                 # define the number of threads
                       physics_type = FTFP_BERT,                     # what physics list to instantiate
                       scorers = [sc1]                               # list of scorers 
 Geant4 version Name: geant4-11-02-patch-01 [MT]   (16-February-2024)
  << in Multi-threaded mode >> 
                       Copyright : Geant4 Collaboration
                      References : NIM A 506 (2003), 250-303
                                 : IEEE-TNS 53 (2006), 270-278
                                 : NIM A 835 (2016), 186-225
                             WWW : http://geant4.org/

Configure, initiliaze and run#

beamOn(app, 0)

Visualize the Detector Setup#

Define plotting functions#

function do_plots(sc)
      dose, dose2, nentry = sc.dose
      xaxisvalues = range(0., sc.mesh.dx*2/cm, sc.bins[1])
      zaxisvalues = range(0., sc.mesh.dz*2/cm, sc.bins[3])
      cbin = round(Int, (sc.bins[1]+1)/2)
      fig = plot( layout=(2,1), size=(800,800),
                  heatmap(zaxisvalues, xaxisvalues, dose[cbin,:,:], title="Dose (XZ)", color=:thermal, xlabel="Z (cm)", ylabel="X (cm)"), 
                  plot(zaxisvalues, dose[cbin,cbin,:], title="Depth Dose (center)", xlabel="Z (cm)", label="dose")
      display("image/png", fig)

Electron 20 Mev#

SetParticleByName(app.generator, "e-")
SetParticleEnergy(app.generator, 20MeV)

beamOn(app, 100000)

Proton 200 MeV#

SetParticleByName(app.generator, "proton")
SetParticleEnergy(app.generator, 200MeV)

beamOn(app, 100000)

C12 ion 3 GeV#

SetParticleByName(app.generator, "C12")
SetParticleEnergy(app.generator, 3GeV)

beamOn(app, 100000)